Final event INTERREG Italia-Svizzera 2014-2020

Wolfram Sparber, Director of the Institute for Renewable Energy of Eurac Research and Giorgio Gabba, Protoscar, presented the project MOBSTER during the final event of the Programma Interreg Italia-Svizzera 2014-2020, which took place in Milan at Palazzo Lombardia on 27 September 2023.

This meeting brought together all the beneficiaries of the projects financed during the programming period, offering them the opportunity to share the results obtained and the best practices developed. During the debate with the presentation of good practices of cross-border cooperation, led by journalist Maurizio Melis, issues such as the criticality of mobility and transport, and potential solutions to make mobility more sustainable, were also addressed.

The debate can be viewed online:

In the afternoon, the participants were divided into Thematic Clusters, supported by experts from the Agency for Territorial Cohesion, in order to further deepen key issues. The MOBSTER project took part in the table on mobility, where special emphasis was placed on the capitalisation of results and the involvement of ‘takers’, i.e. those who can benefit from the products generated by the projects and contribute to their transfer into sectoral policies.
